Fuel Saving Tips

There are numerous ways to get better gas mileage and most of them have been all over the news. Some people go to the extreme to save gas and money but this is completely unnecessary and extremely dangerous. Here are a few of my tips...

Drive less aggressive
Seems easy enough but most people with automatics drive hard and fast. There is no need to drive aggressive every day. Just driving slower will save gas. Accelerating at a slower pace and not braking so suddenly can add a mile or two per gallon. When I didn't speed up to the car in front of me and gave a decent sized cushion between me and the next car, my mileage jumped from 25 to just over 30 MPG.

Drive slower
Just lowering your speed a few MPH can help with gas mileage. There have been numerous studies that show that MPG drop significantly after 55 MPH.

Tune it up
If your car isn't driving like it should or getting as good of gas mileage as the EPA say's it should there could be a few reasons. If you have started driving slower and less aggressive and it still isn't high enough, make sure you check your filter and spark plugs. Regular tune-ups are not only essential to keep your car running for a long time, but it will help considerably with gas mileage.

More gas saving tips later on today...

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